Sunday, January 21, 2007

Arriving In the Canary Islands, Las Palmas

"The boys arrived in the Canary Islands, 1,456 nautical miles from La Rochelle, France. Gary is really enjoying the two guys he's sailing with, Captain Bob and another Gary, he's learning a lot from both of them since they've had many years of sailing experience. Gary told me they have "a meal program, everyone fetches their own breakfast usually cereal, the main meal is around 1 or 2, then in the evening everyone just has a snack of anything from leftovers to sandwiches in which we usually help ourselves." So they might be happy to have me aboard even if I'm not the best sailor and have a ton to learn at least I can cook, I made chocolate chip cookies to take over to bribe them.I leave Saturday January 27th to meet them in the Canary Islands. I'm really excited and not even a little nervous about the sail across.The furling head-sail broke down so we had to have one shipped to the Canary Islands, hopefully that will be installed this weekend.I arrive on Sunday and will shop for food so we can leave for the sail across the ocean Monday January 29th.We have also changed plans and are taking the boat into Saint Maarten and will leave it there for a unknown period of time."

 As Gary says we are learning that one thing is certain, things will change so be flexible!