Thursday, May 31, 2007

Curacao Trip

We arrived in Spanish Waters Bay, Curacao Thursday evening at 6pm sailing 493 natical miles. It was a terrific sail with sunny days, 20 knots winds, full moon during the night and the third day averaged 8 knots. We anchored in the bay Thursday night until the Sera Boca Marina opened the next morning. Friday was a full day with customs and immigration registration which proved to be challenging and clean up the Bozo Cinq preparing it for a few months of rest. Admiral Joanne and crew member-Gary Allen both hooked a Mahi, Mahi on the sail here which was a real challenge landing both fish at the same time with Bozo Cinq churning thru the water at 7 plus knots on a 20 degree heel. They were 42 & 44 inches long that weight a ton! We moored next to a couple from Seattle that have been in Curacao for the last six months.It was tough to leave paradise! We are really looking forward to the day that it becomes a full time home.