Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bozo Cinq is Our Home

We are leaving Dallas today and moving onto Bozo Cinq full time.
Our house has sold, we have packed up a few personal things and put them in storage and everything else is being sold at an Estate Sale on July 13-15. So it's official, we are now calling the boat HOME.

The boat is still in Saint Augustine where we're completing the electronic updates. We plan to sail to Mount Dersert Island, Maine on July 15th, our friend Captain Bob is joining us for the sail to Maine. It should take us about 7 days going in the gulf stream, weather permitting.  That means we will probably not have access to WiFi for that week, just in case we don't respond to your emails. We can get urgent email messages thru bozocinq@wollenberg.net but absolutely no attachments or jokes to that email.  We can't wait to get to Maine, we've heard so much about it. Our plan is to spend about 1 month in Maine, then head south and spend the next month in the Cape Cod area. From there we'll head for New York with our plan to be there in late September. After that we'll head south but no particular agenda at this point.