Friday, March 8, 2013

Georgetown, Great Exuma

We arrived on Georgetown on 3/8. There must be 300 boats anchoraged in Elizabeth Harbor. There is a huge cruising group here and many of them stay here for months.  So every morning at 8 am people can listen to channel 72 for whats happening, etc. This is the biggest town next to Nassau in the Exumas. We went over to Hamburger Beach today to do some hiking and beach walking with a cold Kalik beer waiting for us, life in paradise!

Our friends Kevin and Carol will be joining us for a week and are flying into Georgetown, can't wait to see them.
We have had some bow thruster problems so we moved to Emerald Bay Marina (north end of the island) where we had the bow thruster motor removed and shipped to the US to be rebuilt. So we're here for a while, Emerald Bay Marina is a lovely marina and it has a beautiful mile long beach, Cove Beach, see below, that we can walk very morning, not a bad place to be stuck.
There is also a bakery "Frankies" at the end of the beach, awesome wheat bread.
3/19 Kevin and Carol arrived in Georgetown. We took them for their first Bahamanian dinner at "Big D's".

Then we also took them to Eddies Edgewater for "Rake and Scrape, awesome music, below is the band and a very dark video of the music: