Sunday, August 18, 2013

Grenada Hash House Harriers

What is a Hash House Harriers (HHH)?
Hashing originated in 1938 in Malaysia, when a group of British colonial officers/expatriates began meeting on Monday evenings to run, in a fashion patterned after the traditional British paper chase or "hare and hounds", to rid themselves of the excesses of the previous weekend.

Grenada Hash House Harriers, the local chapter (known as kennel) of the world-wide organisation known as the Hash House Harriers. The Hash meets every Saturday afternoons, in a different part of the island. It is composed typically of between 50 to 370 runners and walkers of all ages, shapes and sizes. After an initial briefing by their leader (known as The Hash Master) they set off in the bush, shouting "ON ON". They follow a trail shredded paper which takes the “pack” through some of the most attractive parts of the island and they return a couple of hours later to consume large quantities of beer and undo all the good that this running and walking has done to them. Great way to see the island while getting some exercise. A couple of tips:
1) Don't wear new shoes otherwise you have to drink beer from them
2) Don't forget to check in otherwise you have to drink beer from the dog pan
3) Virgin Hashers (1st timers) get a certificate and beer sprayed all over them

 Hash's we attended:
                                                                            1) Hash #786 Bastille Day in Grand Etong Park 7/13
2) Hash #787 Tufton Hall 7/27 (with Jean & Belinda)

                                                                   3) Hash #790 Sauteurs  8/17 (with Belinda, Paul & Yvonne)

4) Hash #791  BBC beach AKA Morne Rouge Beach 8/24 (with Belinda)

5) Hash #797 Clozier 10/5 (with George)

6) Hash #799 Grand Bras 10/19 (with Dave)

 7) Hash Treasure Hunt 10/25

8) Hash #800  Birch Grove St Andrews 800th Hash 10/26