Saturday, July 28, 2012


We left Saint Augustine, FL on 7/18/12 at 12:10pm. We had 3 1/2 days of great sailing plus the gulf stream current in our favor so we arrived in at Sandy Hook, NY on 7/22 at 7:30 pm. Then we headed for the Statue of Liberty and sailed around her (next post). We stayed one night in New York (Liberty Landing Marina) in order to catch the slack tide to go thru Hell Gate, really a easy trip during slack. We decided to stop for a night in Westbrook, Ct, upon entering the entrance of the bay our GPS went out so we motored in using the iPad. We stayed at Brewers Pilots Point Marina (an awesome marina) and fortunately found a great guy to help us resolve our GPS problem. The new GPS arrived on 7/26/12 at 12:00 pm, we replaced it and headed out at 12:45 pm continuing our trip to Maine. We went thru the Cape Cod Canal on 7/27/12, again had to hit slack tide with the current in our favor at 10:20 am.  It was a awesome experience as we headed thru the canal with at least 10 other vessels. Below is a picture as we are heading into the canal with the lift bridge in the background at the entrance of Cape Cod Canal.
  On the other side of the canal we entered the Gulf of Maine. Below is what I saw at 5:30 am when I awoke for my shift on 7/28/12. We had arrived in Maine the sky was awesome and the water like glass.

It took us almost exactly 24 hours to reach Mount Desert Island, Maine motoring the whole way due to lack of wind. Then we had to weave our way thru a million lobster traps. We arrived at Dysarts Great Harbor Marina on Mount Desert Island, Maine on 7/28/12 at 2pm.