Saturday, October 20, 2012


We got a break in the weather and so we decided to sail straight from Port Washington to York River Yacht Haven. Had an awesome sail south, got to sail most of the way and had the current with us and the wind was perfect so we sailed 6-9 knots the whole way. Got to Chesapeake in 36 hours. The bad part is we got there at 12 midnight, fortunately we had been here before so we knew where we were going. We even got hailed by the Navy as we were coming in as to our destination, think they were doing some military practices. So we're back ay York River Yacht Haven where we spent last summer.
10/30/12 Hurricane Sandy hit last night fortunately it went north of us. We must have "an angel on our mast" that got us out of NY when we did. So we are safe and sound. Once the weather permits then we'll head south along the Atlantic coast to Miami where we'll cross over the the Bahamas. Warm weather we can hardly wait........
11/8/12 Susie McMillan took us to Williamsburg. We had a awesome day seeing the town. Just walked and enjoyed the day.