Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fort Lauderdale

Left West Palm for Fort Lauderdale on 12/12 but got out of West Palm and our Furuno locked up  and the sea's were terrible, 5-6 sea's and winds 30 knots right on our bow so we were only going 3-4 knots. So we decided to return to West Palm to get the Furuno's fixed with hope of better weather the following day. Great decision. Got the Furnuno's fixed and left 12/13 at 7:15 am and had a great sail from West Palm to Fort Lauderdale. We spent 2 days in Fort Lauderdale at the City Marina and walked one of our favorite beaches in the USA. We also got to have dinner with Joel and Vela Potter (who sold us our Amel) at one of our favorite restaurants "Coconuts" see the picture below, Vela was taking the picture:
Friends are Priceless!!!!