Saturday, December 15, 2012

No Name Harbor

We actually sailed (no motor) from Fort Lauderdale to No Name Harbor, a lovely harbor just south of Miami. We arrived at 2pm and got anchored with no issues. Suddenly 2 manatee's came up to our boat to check us out, wow what an awesome site:

After watching the manatee for about an hour we got the boat all settled for the night and sat down to enjoy a glass of wine. Just about sunset the radio station set up and started playing Christmas music in the harbor. Wow who'd expect this in a little harbor in the middle of no where. Then suddenly we had a Christmas Boat parade come thru with 12 of the most beautiful decorated boats we've ever seen. What an experience.... Below is a picture which doesn't do it justice but its the best picture we got. Guess we got delayed in West Palm just so we could experience this entire day. As Gary says everyday is a new experience!