Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park

We left Highborne today at 12:00 noon headed for the Exuma Park, it's a short hop south. The park is 22 miles long, 8 miles wide and encompasses 176 sq miles. It is a designated replenishment area for the Bahamas. No fishing is allowed in this area and nothing can be removed not even a shell. "Take only photographs and leave only footsteps."

2/20 The first stop in the park is Shroud Cay. They have mooring bouys that are first come, first serve basis. The mooring buoys are only $30 a day so we got a bouy. We took the dingy and went thru one of the creeks to come out on the ocean side of the island with an awesome beach and Camp Driftwood (which used to be a place everyone took a treasure or a piece of driftwood but the park no longer allows it due to less than ethical boaters leaving behind garbage and junk). Now its just one of the most pristine places we've ever been.

2/23 Today we sailed to Warwick Wells which is the Park Headquaters and tied up to a mooring bouy again. There is no cell phone connection and very limited internet connection. This place has no services except the mooring buoys. Below is the park headquarters with Bozo on the porch:
Below is Poweful Beach right at the base of the headquarters.

We spent 4 days here and did a lot of hiking and dinging around.  We climbed Boo Boo Hill where everyone puts their name on a piece of driftwood and leaves it in the pile. You can see Bozo Cinq in the background.