Monday, July 15, 2013

Grenada with Kathleen/Carlee

Our friends Kathleen and Carlee arrived from Dallas. We relaxed the first day they arrived and walked Grand Anse Beach:
Then on 7/17 we sailed to Carriacou and anchored in Tyrrel Bay. Saw a huge school of porpoises on the sail. After walking the beach in Tyrrel Bay we returned to Bozo Cinq to this beautiful rainbow:
Then on 7/18 we sailed over to Petite St Vincent (PSV) which is a privately owned island, very exclusive beautiful island. There is a resort there, only $1700 a night during non-peak season and $2500 a night during peak season. Walked their awesome beach and had a drink at Goatie's Bar:
 Then we returned to Grenada so our friends could experience the island. Spent a day touring the island with Vaugh (our tour guide) from Henry's Safari Tours. Went to the Chocolate Factory (which Gary loved of coarse) and Ron gave us a tour:

Also hiked into St Margaret's Falls (also called Seven Sisters Falls). Bozo went for a swim in the upper falls. WOW...we'll be back here.

Had an awesome time sharing our little piece of paradise with our friends!