Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Isles of Shoals Last Stop in Maine

After being awoken early by a dragging anchor we decided to sail to Isles of Shoals, a tight cluster of 12 islands, which is bisected by the Maine-New Hampshire state line with 8 islands in Maine and 4 islands in New Hampshire. What a lovely place as long as the wind isn't coming in from the west.
We took the dingy and explored and hiked both Star Island and Smuttynose Island. Below is Star Island which has this huge hotel (religious) for summer vacationers. The Island is nothing but the hotel. 

We tied to Portsmouth Yacht mooring bouy for free and had a wonderful 2 days in the Isles of Shoals. This would be our last stop in Maine now on to Massachusetts. The HMS Bounty came in so we got to see "her", what a beautiful ship see below. 10/29/12 Unfortunately the HMS Bounty sank during hurricane Sandy, what a shame, she was a awesome vessel!

We have loved Maine especially the lobsters... What a awesome place.